She was calm yet energetic, positive and funny when I needed it, and she also seemed to know when to fade into the background and let my husband and I do our thing.

It’s been 8 weeks since our daughter was born and I still don’t feel that I can put into words what it meant to us to have Emily at our birth. What I can say is that the *only* thing I would change about it if I could is that I wish I had called Emily sooner when I was going into labor. She was calm yet energetic, positive and funny when I needed it, and she also seemed to know when to fade into the background and let my husband and I do our thing. I loved that she came to visit a few weeks after Olive was born, and the treats and letter she brought were an unexpected and delightful surprise.

AC and SC, Denver, CO


The best thing I did to prepare for the birth of my son was hire Emily.


I had horrible heart burn during my pregnancy and she said papaya pills would help, and they did!