Doula Services

Doula, a Greek word meaning female caregiver, is used to describe a trained and experienced professional who provides birthing people and their families continuous emotional and physical support throughout their birth journey. 

Research shows that birthing people who have sustained support during labor are more likely to have positive birth experiences and less likely to have unnecessary interventions.



  • At least one prenatal meeting between you, your birth support team, and Emily. We will have conversations about your desired birth and possible interventions, practice of comfort measures, creation of birth hopes, and sharing of resources (postpartum doula, lactation support, chiropractor, etc)

  • Unlimited text, phone, video, and email support

  • 24/7 on-call availability from 37-42 weeks

  • Rebozo and Spinning Babies method support and instruction

  • Private prenatal yoga instruction*

Birth Support

  • Continuous emotional and physical support during labor in your chosen birth place or virtually for both the laboring person and their partner

  • Advocacy and support in communicating with medical providers that honors and respects your desired birth hopes

  • One to two hours of immediate postpartum support

  • Photography with your own camera (as desired)


  • One postpartum meeting within two weeks of your birth at your home

  • Discussion of your birth experience

  • Sharing of postpartum resources as needed-will happily provide tips on bonding with baby, lactation, baby wearing, and more


  • Total fees for Yoga Mama Doula Services, LLC is $2200

    • $800 deposit due when you select me as your doula. Until I receive your deposit I cannot hold your due date, nor provide text/email support

    • $1400 remainder due four weeks before estimated due date

      I believe all birthing people would benefit from the services of a doula.  I truly value the positive benefits of doula care, and do not want financial need to make those services inaccessible to those who desire them. Please let me know if you would like to have a discussion about fee accessibility.

*Yoga instruction is charged at a separate hourly rate. See Yoga Services for more info.